Fall 2003, Test 3, Forms 1A and !B

1. text, transportation routing

2. lecture, globalization and consumption

3. lecture, four stage model application, evacuation

4. either, modal differences in freight costs

5. text, historical explanations of underdevelopment NOT

6. lecture, linear programming hospitals

7. lecture, deregulation of transportation

8. text, regional income divergence, who

9. both, Pigozzi’s addition to books transport treatment

10. text, reasons for Soviet communism failure NOT

11. text, measurement of development, NOT

12. lecture, Monte Carlo Simulation usage

13. lecture, FDI research

14. text, Michael Porter’s factors

15. text, personal mobility characteristics

16. lecture, equity vs efficiency examples

17. text, Heckscher-Ohlin theory

18. lecture, UTMS stages

19. either, curvilinear line-haul costs

20. lecture, Kansky measures, loops

21. lecture, Growth pole – growth center definitions

22. text, Little Dragons and Four Tigers NOT

23. text, development theories, comparative advantage

24. lecture, maximum flow and minimum cut

25. lecture, diffusion of innovations, rice

26. text, barriers to trade

27. lecture, health centers in Burkina Faso

28. text, regional development theories Myrdal

29. lecture, growth pole growth centers in Botswana

30. text, why is free trade good

31. text, U.S. trade deficit

32. text, deteriorating terms of trade

33. lecture, Jamaican fishermen and risk

34. lecture, planar and non-planar maps, railroads

35. either, network connectivity

36. lecture, FDI research

37. text, recent transport/communication innovations NOT

38. lecture, spatial diffusion, people

39. lecture, Japanese landholding and risk

40. text, IVHS

41. lecture, Garin-Lowry model

42. lecture, impulse transmission model

43. text, break-of-bulk points

44. either, beta index

45. text, time-space convergence

Fall 2003, Test 3, Forms 2A and 2B

1, text, time-space convergence

2. either, transportation modal cost differences

3. lecture, impulse transmission model

4. lecture, Japanese landholding and risk

5. lecture, rail and air transport deregulation

6. lecture, FDI research

7. lecture, Jamaican fishermen and risk

8. text, regional development theories, Myrdal

9. text, barriers to trade

10. text development theories, comparative advantage

11. lecture, Kansky measures, loops

12. text, Heckscher-Ohlin theory

13. lecture, UTMS application to evacuation

14. lecture, FDI research

15. text, failure of Soviet communism, why NOT

16. text, break-of-bulk points

17. text, IVHS

18. text, recent transportation technological innovations NOT

19. lecture, linear programming hospital example

20. lecture, planar and non-planar maps railroads

21. text, US trade deficit

22. both, Pigozzi’s additions to transportation content

23. lecture, growth pole growth center examples, Botswana

24. text, transportation routing

25. lecture, growth pole – growth center strategies, people

26. lecture, UTMS stages

27. text, personal mobility in US

28. text, Michael Porter’s factors

29. lecture, globalization and consumption

30. text, measurement of development, NOT

31. either, beta index

32. lecture, Garin-Lowry model

33. lecture, spatial diffusion, people

34. text, historical explanations of underdevelopment, NOT

35. either, network connectivity

36. text, deteriorating terms of trade

37. text, why is free trade good

38. text, regional income divergence, people

39. lecture, Burkina Faso clinics example

40. lecture, diffusion of innovation, rice example

41. text, Little Dragons and Four Tigers NOT

42. either, curvilinear line-haul costs

43. lecture, equity vs efficiency examples

44. lecture, Monte Carlo simulation

45. lecture, maximum flow minimum cut

Fall 2003, Test 3, Forms 3A and 3B

1. lecture, maximum flow minimum cut

2. either, curvilinear line-haul costs

3. lecture, Burkina Faso clinics example

4. lecture, spatial diffusion, people

5. text, measurement of development, NOT
6. text, barriers to trade

7. text, personal mobility in US

8. text, transportation routing

9. text, US trade deficit

10. text, recent technical innovations in transportation, NOT

11. lecture, FDI research

12. text, failure of Soviet communism, NOT

13. text, Heckscher-Ohlin theory

14. lecture, impulse transmission model

15. lecture, Monte Carlo simulation use

16. text, Little Dragons and Four Tigers NOT

17. text, income divergence, people

18. text, deteriorating terms of trade

19. either, network connectivity

20. lecture, Garin-Lowry model

21. lecture, globalization and consumption

22. text regional development theory, Myrdal

23. lecture, UTMS stages

24. lecture, growth pole – growth center, Botswana

25. lecture, planar and non-planar maps, railroads

26. text, IVHS

27. text, break-of-bulk points

28. lecture, deregulation of transportation

29. lecture, FDI research

30. lecture, Kansky measures, loops

31. either, modal transportation cost differences

32. lecture, equity vs efficiency examples

33. lecture, spatial diffusion, rice example

34. text, free trade is best because

35. text, historical explanations for underdevelopment, NOT
36. either, beta index

37. text, Michael Porter’s factors

38. lecture, Jamaican fishermen and risk

39, lecture, growth pole growth center, people

40. both, Pigozzi’s additions to transportation content

41. lecture, linear programming hospital example

42. lecture, Japanese land holding and risk

43. lecture, applications of Four Stage model, evacuation

44. text, development theories, comparative advantage

45. text, time-space convergence