Week #10 & 11 & 12. Text: Ch #4, 163 - 192, 193-218, and Ch #10, 427-470

The second exam (Fall '03) produced an average score of 26.5; about 58.9% and right about 1.0 point below the average on the first test. Several people went up on this test (4 by more than 10 points!) and deserve praise for going up when the average was down! Unfortunately several went down, some by as much as 14, 15 or even more points. The grade scale is the same as posted in the syllabus and explained at the beginning of the semester (and following the first test). IT WILL NOT BE CHANGED (SEE THE EXPLANATION IN THE SYLLABUS).

See the end of this file for question/source/topic lists regarding the second test (and the 6 forms of the test). You will need the scoring office's report of your test results and the appropriate list from below. If you aren't satisfied with your score, I can't stress enough the notion of diagnosing whatever is "wrong" with your test performance. It can be done on your own or in consultation with me if you prefer. In either case, it is important for you to be honest in your assessment of yourself and firmly act on the conclusions. For some, this may simply be to attend more classes, for others perhaps just "finish" the readings will do it. It is pretty clear from the results that attendance and/or reading are the biggest problems for most of the class who are having troubles. Others may have problems that emerge during the actual taking of the test ("psyching" themselves out) or, with a certain "kind" of material (the models or equations for example).

I've been asked to recommend tutors. I find this request a bit baffling because the class is almost universally not utilizing the resources provided. I can count on one hand (and not get to five) the students who have come in to see me during my office hours (or by arrangement). The class is bit better at using email but still only a few write. I continue to be amazed at the number of students who readily admit they never bother to even look at these files on the web-site. But, if you want to pay for a tutor, I can try to find someone. Enough preaching for now!!

Study Questions/Exercises/Tips

1. Check out the Objectives on page 163. Considering what we've done already, (lecture and reading) can you anticipate some of the content under these objectives?

2. Figures 4.1 and 4.2 show how different transportation modes compete. Be sure you understand these two diagrams.

3. Figures 4.3 & 4.8 show some important aspects of curvilinear line-haul costs. Can you explain the drawings?

4. The book talks about terminal costs for commercial transport. What would you argue to be the household equivalent?

5. You'll find on pages 173-175 some examples of things also done in class (Beta index, accessibility index, and connectivity matrix). What was done in class that's not done in the book?

6. Route location in the book is not addressed in lecture; make sure you don't have any unanswered questions about it.

7. Tobler's first law of geography: "Everything is related to everything else, but nearer things are more related to each other than are distant things." Links to what concepts we've already covered?

8. Can you link the notions of cost-space and time-space convergence with the potential surfaces developed earlier? In the context of time-space convergence what would be happening to potential surfaces?

9. There are quite a few terms in this chapter. Make a list and get clarification of any you aren't clear about.

10. Matching some of the lecture concerns, the section on "Personal Mobility" focuses on our transportation options and behaviors. You should be able to link the readings with lecture topics. What lecture topics do tables 4.4 and 4.5 relate to?

11. "Mobility and Gender" presents some interesting patterns. Indeed, when we compare men and women, in terms of trip-generation, we find an interesting window on our society. Even comparing single men and women, in similar occupations, and making similar salaries, the women commute shorter distances to work than do the men. What explanations can you offer?

12. Make a short list of new technologies associated with personal and commercial transport presented by the book.

13. Consider the book’s discussion of decision support and GIS applications (202-204) and lecture topics.

14. Communication improvements are transforming space (recall space-time convergences?) but also technological dependencies. How vulnerable are your technological links? Commercial links? (Transition to Chapter 10. I first wrote this question before the 9-1-1 tragedy; I suspect you are better able to answer it now!)

15. Your text discusses "the actors in the international arena." Who/what is the third actor? The fourth actor?

16. Classical trade theories presented are comparative advantage and Heckscher-Ohlin. Can you differentiate them?

17. Inadequacies of trade theory (pg 431) and new variations (431-432) can be supplemented, for those interested, with the work of Paul Krugman. He keeps moving around from one university to another!



18. How fair is free-trade? Earlier lectures discussed the ideas of "post-Fordist production" and "post-Fordist consumption." How does this relate to "division of labor?"

19. Could you explain Engel’s Law? How does it relate to #18 above?

20. Can you explain Michael Porter’s attributes of national competitiveness?

21. Debt crises and the flow of production-factors. I find historical examples sometimes provocative. Consider the destiny of Great Britain’s global empire in terms of capital flows. What insight does this provide for more modern crises?

22. Can you summarize the causes and results of the U.S. Trade deficit?

23. Firms enter into FDI relationships as resource, market and/or efficiency seekers. Do you understand what FDI is and how these firm motivations are different?

24. Make a short list of barriers to international trade and another of stimulants of international trade.

25. Consider Balassa’s "Five degrees of economic integration" (pg 462) and attempt examples of each degree.

26. "Globalization Smoothes Business Cycles" (pg 469) is an interesting proposition. However, the book doesn’t really define just what a "business cycle" is. Consider a traditional business cycle is going from growth to neutrality to decline back to neutrality and growth again, all over about a 5-10 year period. Further, consider that the traditional business cycle is thought to have occurred because of cycles in major construction projects. How does this influence what the book says? But, are business cycles now of shorter duration? What does that do to what the book says?

Comments regarding transportation stuff:

It's important for you to recognize that lecture and text are deviating even though both are dealing with transportation. Lecture is trying to develop a theme of "optimization" which is not overtly done in the text. This optimization is presented through a series of problems that involve transportation networks, movement and decision making in general. Once developed this theme of "optimization" complements what is in the book and actually leads nicely into policy formulation, the final main general theme of lecture. It is important that you realize the book doesn't substitute for the lecture, nor the other way around.

TEST #2, Forms 1A & 2A

1. text, recent shifts in manufacturing

2. text, Weber & metro computer nets, NOT

3. lecture, what an interregional input output model does

4. lecture, Isard's relaxation of homogenous demand

5. both, who contributed to Central Place theory

6. lecture, economic base multiplier

7. text, major manufacturing regions of world

8. either, classic urban structure models

9. lecture, Reilly's Law of Retail Gravitation

10. text, explanations of Japan's economic success, NOT

11. text, megalopolitan networks

12. lecture, property assessments

13. lecture, Losch's version of central place theoy

14. either, central place theory, threshold

15. text, gentrification, NOT

16. lecture, derivation of potential model

17. text, models of urban structure, Latin American

18. either, Weber's theory

19. text, industrialization and import substitutiion

20. lecture, input-output model Washington vs Michigan

21. lecture, indifference curves

22. lecture, employment base model

23. lecture, potential model inputs

24. text, vertical vs horizontal integration vs diversification

25. either, Christaller's K-4 system

26. lecture, how poor live on most expensive land

27. text, evidence in support of central place theory

28. text, planning uses of central place theory

29. lecture, industrial inertia

30. text, the deindustrialization of Great Britain

31. both, theory that helps explain Japan's economic success

32. lecture, Christaller's K-3 system, areal relationships

33. lecture, interstitial growth

34. lecture, least transportation cost location

35. either, Weber's raw materials NOT

36. lecture, Christaller's central place theory NOT

37. text, horizontal or vertical integration

38. either, Weber's assumptions compared to Thunen's

39. lecture, indifference curves

40. either, isodapane or isotim

41. lecture, post-Fordist Consumption

42. text, industry life cycle model

43. either, isodapanes or isotims

44. lecture, problems of applying Thunen to city

45. text, recent shifts in global manufacturing


TEST #2, Forms 1B & 2B

1. lecture, Reilly's law of retail gravitation

2. lecture, economic base multiplier

3. text, recent shifts in global manufacturing

4. lecture, problems applying thunen to city

5. lecture, post-Fordist Consumption

6. either, Weber's assumptions compared to Thunen's

7. either, Weber's raw materials NOT

8. either, Christaller's K-3 system, areal relationships

9. lecture, what an interregional input-output models does

10. lecture, industrial inertia

11. lecture, how poor live on most expensive land

12. lecture, indifference curves

13. either, Weber's theory

14. text, gentrification, NOT

15. lecture, property assessment

16. either, classic urban structure models

17. both, who contributed to central place theory

18. either, isodapanes or isotims

19. either, isodapane or isotim (different from 18)

20. text, horizontal or vertical integration

21. lecture, least transportation cost location

22. both, theory that helps explain Japan's economic success

23. text, planning applications of central place theory

24. either, Christaller's K-4 network

25. lecture, potential model inputs

26. lecture, input-output model Washington vs Michigan

27. text, Weber & metro computer nets, NOT

28. text, models of urban structure, Latin American

29. either, central place theory, threshold

30. text, megalopolitan networks

31. text, major manufacturing regions of world

32. text, industrial life cycle model

33. lecture, Isard's relaxation of homogenous demand

34. lecture, indifference curves

35. lecture, Christaller's central place theory NOT

36. lecture, interstitial growth

37. text, the deindustrialization of Great Britain

38. text, evidence in support of central place theory

39. text, vertical vs horizontal integration vs diversification

40. lecture, employment base model

41. text, industrialization through import substitution

42. lecture, potential model derivation

43. lecture, Losch's version of central place

44. text, explanations of Japan's economic success NOT

45. text, recent shifts in manufacturing

TEST #2, Forms 1C & 2C

1. lecture, interstitial growth

2. lecture, indifference curves

3. text, industrial life cycle model

4. text, megalopolitan networks

5. text, urban structure models, Latin American

6. lecture, input-output model, Washington vs Michigan

7. either, Christaller's K-4 system

8. both, theory that helps explain Japan's economic success

9. text, horizontal or vertical integration

10. either, isodapanes or isotims

11. either, classic urban structure models

12. text, gentrification NOT

13. text, deindustrialization of Great Britain

14. lecture, Christaller's central place theory, NOT

15. lecture, Isard's relaxation of homogenous demand

16. text, major manufacturing regions of world

17. either, central place theory, threshold

18. text, Weber & metro computer nets, NOT

19. lecture, potential model inputs

20. text, planning examples of central place theory

21. lecture, least transportation cost location

22. either, isodapane or isotim

23. both, who contributed to central place theory

24. lecture, property assessments

25. either, Weber's theory

26. lecture, Christaller's K-3 network, areal relationships

27. either, Weber's assumptions compared to Thunen's

28. text, recent shifts in global manufacturing

29. lecture, Losch's version of central place

30. text, industrialization through import substitution

31. lecture, problems of applying Thunen to city

32. text, horizontal or vertical integration

33. lecture, economic base multiplier

34. lecture, indifference curves

35. text, industrial inertia

36. lecture, what an interregional input-output model does

37. either, Weber's raw materials, NOT

38. lecture, post-Fordist Consumption

39. text, explanations of Japan's economic success, NOT

40. lecture, potential model derivation

41. lecture, employment base model

42. text, evidence in support of central place theory

43. text, recent shifts in global manufacturing

44. lecture, how poor live on most expensive land

45. lecture, Reilly's law of retail gravitation